2025 18th TID Award Competition Instructions

The TID Award is an important platform for studying today’s Asian lifestyle and regional culture, the synthesis of today’s design elites and innovative thinking, and an arena for observing the interior design development of the Greater China Region; its recording and survey of design works from all areas of life and the different facets of living spaces present a fieldwork for research on modern lifestyle and culture. In these few years, the TID Award has facilitated new features to develop in the Asian interior design milieu. Among the winners of the 2022 TID Award and Gold Award, we begin to see different possibilities. The competition welcomes participants from Japan, Hong Kong, China and other Asian nations. Taiwan has been especially strong in the cultural exhibition category, which shows Taiwan’s special attention to cultural context. From the winners in the commercial and public space categories, Hong Kong, China and Japan have many new commercial typologies and public spaces. The TID Award is highly anticipated for the amazing amount of diverse possibilities it presents by the competition and information exchange. The TID Award went through a lot of modifications: the design categories are subdivided further, fostering more vivid discussions about projects of different categories. Besides the Gold Award, new awards are added: the Grand Award of the Year and the TID Jury Award. These Awards further give meaning to the projects that define different eras, society and innovations in space technologies. The TID Award of 2023 will continue to emphasize uniqueness and originality in design works, but further attempts to select projects for aesthetics and innovative experimentations different from the past, that which further defines and responds to life and the current era. The organizers have planned and revised award methods, not only defining more of the different space categories but also officially adding sustainability/renewal design, social adaptive design, innovative technology design, universal age design and other important design issues into the juror evaluation standard and scope. The TID Award hopes to express the interaction and responsibility between the interior design industry and the society, enhance the vision and guide the structure and position of the interior design field.


All entries must meet both of these criteria
1. Applicant must be a practitioner in interior design or related work, and apply as an individual or corporate (firm, group).
2. Work must be a built project completed within the past 2 years (2021~2022) that demonstrated functional design solutions.

Procedures and Dates

Early bird discount registration: 02/10~03/10/2025 (ends at 12:00).
Online registration: 03/10~04/10/2025 (ends at 12:00).
Announcement date for TID Award semi-final results: June 2025 on TID official website (https://www.tidaward.org.tw) and fan page.
Announcement date for TID Award final results: July 2025 on TID official website (https://www.tidaward.org.tw) and fan page.
Award ceremony: September 2025
Award publication: February 2026
(Any change in the above timeline will be announced on TID official website and fan page)
※Organizer will not provide explanations for works before the semi-final, please do not inquire※

Competition categories

2025 18th TID Award competition categories

TID Grand Award of Year

Final Jurors’ unanimous selection of one most influential and exemplary project.

TID Gold Award

Final Jurors’ unanimous selection of the most outstanding projects.

TID Award

Semi-final Jurors’ recommendation of unique and outstanding projects among the different categories.

TID Jury Award

Projects that demonstrate sustainability, social, innovative and universal age designs or are iconic of the time period.

The TIDING Award (The Taiwan Interior Design In Next Generation Award)

projects that demonstrate excellence by designers under the age of 35.

2025 18th TID Award Design Categories

Living Space

Spaces of dwelling that include residences, villas, apartments, show flats, farm houses, dormitories and nursing homes.
Residential Space—Single Level
Residential Space—Multi Level
Residential Space—XSUnder 66m², or special purpose, rehabilitation and nursing homes.
Residential Space—Single House Single family home: villa or farm house.
Show Flat

Commercial Space

Shopping Spacedepartment store, shopping center, retail store, vendor, bookstore, mart and supermarket
Retail Spaceindividual store, vendor, or bookstore
Studio Spacehair salon, clinic, or workshop
Hotel Spacehotel, inn, vacation resort, or bed & breakfast
Food and Beverage Spacerestaurant, coffee shop, or bar
Hospitality Spacefitness center, wellness center, hall, club and gymnasium
Entertainment Spacemovie theater, dance hall, KTV
Reception Center Spacereception center, sales office

Working Space

Office Space office, concierge
Co-Working Spaceco-workshop, training center, corporation
Industrial & Logistic Spacefactory office, factory, warehouse, logistic center

Public Space

Cultural Spacemuseum/art gallery (not including individual exhibitions in the building), theater/music hall, library, sports arena, cultural center
Convention Spaceconvention center
Institutional Spacebank, medical organization, educational organization, government institution, religious facility, social work
Community Spaceentrance hall of high-rise, community center
Service Facility & Spaceinformation desk, police/security post, public restrooms
Historical Renovationhistoric architecture, cultural asset, adaptive reuse of historic monument/site

Integrated Urban Design Of Government

Urban and public design, social design, public welfare design, service design, public educational institutions, transportation space (stations, airports, docks, waiting stations) design exhibitions, urban exhibitions

Exhibition Space

Cultural Exhibition Spacemuseum/art gallery (permanent exhibition, special exhibition), exposition, art festival, design exhibition, farming exhibition, urban exhibition, brand exhibition and etc.
Trade Show Spacecommercial trade show, forum, building material show

Interim Architecture & Installation

Temporary Architecturenot including reception center, sales office or show flats
Pop-Up Exhibition | Event Spacetemporal activity center, exhibition or exposition
Temporary Installationtemporal public art, landscape space, multi-media installation

Space Furniture

Furniturefurniture for sitting/ reclining, writing, storage, exhibit, partition, compartmentalization, facility, display, service, reception or work
Lighting & Lampfloor lamp, pendant lamp, desk lamp, lighting installation
Living Appliancekitchen appliance, bath counter, faucets etc.

Art & Decoration

Decorative Items & Homeware Designcurtain, wallpaper, furniture, rug, lighting, coloring, decoration, floral art and artwork that constitute a holistic space design
Art Installationspecial artwork or installation for space design

Branding & Communication

Brandingdesign that emphasizes image or branding, spatial communication, brand recognition, visual imagery, communication or cross-disciplinary fields
Sinage Systemholistic spatial signage system (Participating project must explain all participating team members’ design parts, work contents and scopes)

The TIDING Award (The Taiwan Interior Design In Next Generation Award)

This Award does not require special registration and is limited to designers under the age of 35.

Grand Jury Award

This award is a response of the jurors to modern day publicity, society, professionalism and innovation. From the Gold Award winners, the jurors discuss and recommend projects that reflect today’s important issues, challenges and experimentations. This award does not require registration, the jurors will select from each year’s Gold Award winners.
Sustainability Designemphasizes sustainability, renewal structure and environmental protection of natural/historical/cultural sites.
Social Designemphasizes societal design, flexible design, social publicity, social movement and community co-creation and etc.
Innovation Designemphasizes spatial form, design methodology, construction techniques, building material’s structural innovations and etc.
Universal Design_Aging In Placeemphasizes special designs for disabilities and elderly.

General Rules

1. For project category, jurors have the right to reassign project to its respective category based on its unique characteristics.
2. All award winners will agree to work with the administrator (CSID) for the purposes of promotion, presentation, publication and symposium to publicize their respective project experiences. CSID is free to use all application materials for publicity.
3. All entry portfolios along with application materials cannot be returned and shall be retained by CSID.
4. Winners will be disqualified if they fabricate information for deception and involve plagiarism, after confirmation by physical evidences. The organizer has the right to demand disqualified winners to return award trophies and certificates.
5. Early bird period (2/10 ~3/10/2025) project registration fee is NT$6,000 (registrant must be a CSID member for this discount). Non-member registration fee is NT$10,000.
6. General period (3/10~4/10/2025) project registration fee is NT$8,000 for CSID member. Non-member registration fee is NT$12,000.
※Applicant must be the head designer of the project and must be an active member of CSID in order to register for member discount. Registration fees are non-refundable. ※
7. Payment method: online credit card
8. Semi-final TID Award projects must pay juror fee of NT$12,000, TID Award projects must pay juror fee of NT$15,000, TID Grand Award of the Year, Gold Award, TID Jury Award, The TIDING Award projects must pay final juror fee of NT$20,000.

Application Process

Applicants please use online application and upload [2025 TID Award Online Registration System]:
1. Upload required documents:
*Applicant’s registration information (limited to 1-4 designers per team) ※The award certificate will print according to the registered information, please double-check all information before submission. After the announcement of awards, the project name, designer name or client name cannot be changed※
* Applicant’s project submission: Submission is limited to 12 project photos (Project photos must include 1 individual floorplan, and must “not” show office or designer’s name or logo; any submission that does not meet the above criteria is automatically disqualified and will not be notified). Project photos shall be in .jpg format, each photo size limited to 2MB 300dpi and must not be a composite.
*Project description in Chinese text is limited to 300 words, English text is limited to 350 words.
*A one-minute film about the project (participant can choose whether or not to include it), formatted in .mp4 (size no bigger than 60MB), must not include office or designer’s name or logo; any submission that does not meet these criteria will be automatically disqualified and will not be notified.
*Application/registration fee’s payment method will be online by credit card.
2. Online registration deadline is 04/10/2025 (before 12:00).

※Please pay special attention to the above contents before submitting your project, thank you.※

Evaluation Procedures

Jury Panel

A panel of 5 to 7 people who are practitioners or scholars of interior design from different countries will be appointed as jurors for the preliminary and semi-final competition. A panel of 5 to 9 jurors will be appointed for the final competition.

Each evaluation phase will examine participating projects’ qualification.
Phase 1: preliminary jury screens all applicants’ electronic documents.
Phase 2: projects that pass phase 1 proceed with semi-final jurors’ evaluation.
Phase 3: semi-final jurors select projects for the finals.
Phase 4: Final jury evaluates projects for the TID Award and selects the most outstanding designs.

Evaluation Criteria
1. Concept (30%): project shall fully convey the design concepts.
2. Innovation (30%): project shall show innovative presentation method and material applications/techniques.
3. Function (20%): Project shall be safe, and easy to use/maintain.
4. Environmental Protection (20%): Project shall emphasize environmental protection and sustainability through renewal and reuse.

Award Method

One winner for the TID Grand Award of Year will be selected and will be award a trophy and medal, with an award certificate for the client and designer or team.
TID Gold Award winners will be awarded Gold Award trophies and medals, with award certificates for the client and designer or team.
TID Award winners for all categories will be awarded medals and certificates for the client and designer or team.
TID Award Certificate of Nomination for all categories will be provided a nomination certificate for the client and designer or team.

※TID Award medal and certificate shall print the names of the designers and clients; Gold Award trophies should engrave the names of the designers and clients. Certificates will be printed according to the registration information. After the announcement of the Awards, projects cannot change the names of designers and clients.※
The Awards Ceremony for the TID Grand Award, TID Gold Award and the TID Award are to be held in northern/middle/southern Taiwan.
TID Award Ceremony (accompanying guest entrance fee NT$1,500/person).
TID Award Book Publication.
Media and promotional reports.


1. Registration forms shall be filled completely, photos and floorplans shall be uploaded, and on the form【Project rights and declarations】 and 【Personal information search, collection and use】shall be checked yes.
2. Participating projects that are discovered to be imposters will not be judged and its disqualification will be announced publically.
3. Plagiarism is strictly prohibited. Designers must follow the rights and rules of intellectual property. All violators will be disqualified from competition or award.
4. Participants cannot give or sell project rights to imposters. Violators will be disqualified from award and names will be made public.
5. Participating projects that are selected for awards cannot be cancelled by its designer/winner (unless violations are found pertaining to fees, plagiarism and etc.).
6. The organizer has the right to retain, exhibit and publish the selected winning projects, without having to pay extra fees for usage or right.
7. All published certificates will use information from registration forms. The information filled in by the participants cannot be altered after winning the awards.
8. Participants agree to respect the results of juror evaluations. There will be no dispute about the competition results. The organizer reserves the right to remain silent and provide no explanation.
9. Participants accept and recognize the rules of this competition. In event that the rules were inadequate, organizer reserves the right to explain, correct, change and cancel the competition and will announce on official website.
10. To register for the competition, please apply online on the official website. Forms can be downloaded from the website and printed out.
11. If unable to attend the Award Ceremony, the organizer will express mail the trophy and medal to the winner. Limited to one time use, if the package is returned, not accepted or unable to reach the recipient, an additional processing fee of NT$1,500 is required.

Application schedule